Tankerton FC – COVID-19 Return to Football activities
Adult Player Consent Form
Following Government and FA advice, players can resume training and matches from Monday 29th March 2021 Tankerton F.C. committee have put in place guidelines and procedures to ensure players can return in a safe environment. Players chose to return at their own discretion. It is not mandatory. Similarly, it is up to individual manager/coaches if they wish to resume. All players resuming must understand the FA guidelines and comply with the Tankerton FC rules.
Covid-19 Training/Match Rules
Training will be conducted in a safe environment.
Anyone self-isolating must NOT attend any Tankerton F.C. activity.
If players or their close family have Covid-19 symptoms they must NOT return to or attend training or matches until permitted by the latest Government rules.
If a player feels ill during a training session or a match, they must immediately stop and return home.
If a player becomes ill with Covid-19 symptoms AFTER attending, the team manager/coach must be informed. Players must follow government rules before returning.
Players will not be permitted to train or play matches unless this consent form has been completed. There will be no exceptions.
Managers/Coaches will keep an attendance register.
Players should wash their hands with soap and water before coming to training or matches and MUST use the club provided hand-sanitizer before commencing.
Players should arrive in their kit, there will be no changing rooms open.
Players should bring their own drinks bottle, and this must not be shared with anyone
Players will leave their bottle and any jackets/personal belongings at their designated cone, which will be set out by the manager/coach prior to players arriving. Personal cones will be set out at 2m intervals
In line with the latest Government and FA guidance, until at least 12 April spectators are not permitted to attend matches.
When attending home Tankerton matches you will be required to check in to the venue using the QR Code that will be made available to comply with the Government’s Test and Trace scheme.
If the player requires first aid treatment this will be administered by the coach/manager with full PPE which will be supplied by the club.
Players should be aware of the specific FA rules regarding playing matches. These have been communicated to all Tankerton FC coaches and players will be advised and reminded of these before every game.
Players should be aware that these rules may change over time following Government or FA advice. The team manager/coach will make you aware of any
The manager/coach will remind the players of the training rules before each training session begins.
Whilst the manager/coach will remind the players of the training rules before each training session begins the club feels that It is especially important that players remain mindful of the social distancing requirements before, after and during any breaks when training or playing.
I have read the rules and confirm I would like to return to training (playing)